I have more than 130 meditations, with over 300k plays, on Insight Timer.
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“A lot of thoughts keep coming”, “I can’t stand still”, “Am I doing it right?”. Do you have such thoughts during your meditation? If you do, know that you are not alone. These are the questions we hear from almost all new meditators. We all had these concerns, and even years later they can still […]
Imagine the company you are working at is providing you with daily on-site meditation sessions. When you come to work, you practice guided meditation together with your colleagues, before you start your workday. Wouldn’t you like that? It might sound like a utopia but it seems like this is a powerful incentive valued by some […]
You might have heard the word “Neuroplasticity”. But do you wonder what it means? I am taking this online meditation course, not to become a meditation expert or anything, but to become a more knowledgeable meditator myself. And I have learned that neuroplasticity is the concept of the lifelong ability of the brain to change. […]