
A brain-friendly juice for you to try on the weekend

Let us take a short break from spiritually improving and cleansing ourselves and talk about a little bit of physical detox. I feel like I am neglecting that part of the equation a little bit. I have shared blog posts about 16/8 Intermittent Fasting, immune system boosting and liver cleansing juices, and the Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Diet.

And this time, I would like to emphasize a few – preferably organic – veggies and fruits that are extremely effective in improving brain health. For instance, Spinach offers antioxidants that help reduce plaque buildup that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Spinach also expands the brain’s learning capacity.

Another leafy green best for brain health is Kale. It contains vitamins A, C, E and selenium which are integral for brain wellness and lower the chances of stroke.

The third green miracle I would like to mention is Watercress. It is rich in folate, which may act in preventing cognitive decline and help with preventing depression.

Before getting to the juice recipe that I will share with you, I want to touch upon fruits that are good for brain health. Namely; blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries have benefits that may help prevent age-related memory loss and other brain changes. They are full of antioxidants that help improve the way neurons in the brain communicate.

And here is the recipe for a brain-friendly juice for you to try:

1 cucumber

1 handful spinach

2 kale leaves

1 cup berries – any kind

1-inch ginger

Juice all ingredients, stir and enjoy! Yum!


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Wishing you calm and happiness,


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