
Is it really that hard to “Be Yourself”?

Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.

– Anonymous

Being your real self takes guts. You have to stand strong and don’t care about what others say. But even though you try plugging your ears to other people’s comments, how can you mute the sound playing between your two ears? Well, I have a secret for you. You can never be good enough for others. You can never remove all of the criticism that’s directed to you.

So, why try to be someone that you aren’t deep inside? Why accept the role that is given to you by others? To only make some (not even all) people happy?

When you are young, you want to be accepted, included, a part of something. And don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to feel that way until you find your path. But eventually, with age and experience, your attention shifts toward more self-fulfillment rather than fulfilling others’ expectations.

You realize that life is too precious to live with someone else’s rules and priorities. And if it means that you end a personal or business relationship to honor your real self, then so be it. As soon as the light bulb switches on in your head, you see that there’s no way to feel satisfied with the life you live inside the box assigned to you.

Everything starts with getting to know yourself

After accomplishing some of the main steps of life, such as; completing education, getting a job, starting a family, buying a house, raising your kids to become adults themselves, you turn around and look at yourself. And things get tricky from that point on because that action triggers so many questions.

Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose in life? I don’t like what I do, how can I make a meaningful change? Questions, questions, questions. Most of them without answers, especially at the beginning, which frustrates you to pieces. And exploring yourself further opens a brand new perspective about yourself.

You decide that you want to pursue a new lifestyle. But wanting and doing are two separate things. What will people say when they find out that you have made such a monumental change in your life? Are you going to be able to ignore them?

Yes, you can, and you should

But how? Here’s how:

  • Aim for what you want to achieve and strive for that accomplishment. 
  • Stop being negative about yourself.
  • Understand that this is your life, and you are the sole owner of your decisions.
  • Be confident with who you are.
  • Don’t try to please others.
  • Don’t worry about how they see you.
  • Do appreciate who you are.
  • Act on your goals to become the new you that you want to be.
  • Remember, this life is playing just once, no possible reruns.

You came to this world to enjoy yourself and your time here. Not to suffer and just live through it. Make it yours.

Image by Public Co from Pixabay


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Wishing you calm and happiness,


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Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a Transformation Strategist & Leadership Partner, dedicated to guiding individuals and leaders through life’s pivotal transitions. Change can feel uncertain, but it also holds the potential for growth, clarity, and renewed purpose.

Through a strategic and mindful approach, I help you;

  • Cultivate inner confidence and resilience to navigate life’s shifts with ease
  • Develop powerful tools to manage uncertainty and unexpected challenges
  • Heal from past experiences and build meaningful, fulfilling relationships
  • Find peace in the face of change and embrace new possibilities
  • Shift from wondering “Is this all there is?” to “I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
  • Approach transformation with clarity, confidence, and self-trust