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I’m not sure whether or not we appreciate enough the meaning of the word “Connection.” We, human beings, need, crave, and blossom by connections. Therefore, it’s essential to have a significant number of healthy connections to live a balanced and fulfilling life. Author Brené Brown describes the word connection best in her book “The Gifts […]
Some people are very approachable, cool, kind and supportive, whereas others are not so much. Why is that? Is it because the ones who are good at communicating positively and motivating others have a higher Emotional Intelligence (EI) level? If yes, then what is EI exactly? EI involves the ability to understand and manage emotions. […]
It is as easy to make someone happy, as it is to break their heart into million pieces. Words might make your day, while words might hit you like arrows and deflate your self-confidence like a shrinking balloon. It is important which words you choose while explaining yourself, but equally important aspect of communication would […]