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A couple of statements that Dan Brown makes about love in his book “Origin” got my attention while I was reading it recently. He says; “Love is from another realm. We cannot manufacture it on demand. Nor can we subdue it when it appears. Love is not our choice to make.” He also says; “Love […]
A few years ago, as a very proud mother, I attended my son’s convocation ceremony. As they do for every graduation event, the university invited a well-accomplished leader in their subject to give a speech and to get the title of honorary Ph.D. for his accomplishments. When he started giving his speech, which was extremely […]
The June solstice – your signal to celebrate summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere – is happening on June 21st – today. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, this solstice marks the longest day of the year. Early dawns, long days, late sunsets, short nights. The sun at its height each […]
We all experience small miracles in our lives, don’t we? Something wonderful that we want very much manifests all of a sudden. Bringing joy and stupefaction with it, while we cannot believe it actually happened. I am quite a passionate person. In the past, when I wanted something, it would become my main focus day […]