I have more than 130 meditations, with over 300k plays, on Insight Timer.
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I have just completed the Mind Mastery 101 course by Sean Webb with whom I’m connected through LinkedIn. He generously offered this $1000 worth online course for free to everyone who would like to take it during the pandemic period. And I was one of the people who were lucky enough to catch this great […]
We, human beings like to label people around us and let others label us. Think about all the labels you have attached to your children or your spouse, or the labels that have been given to you by your classmates, family members, colleagues, friends. Some were self-created but, most were given to you by others. […]
“It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all there is to perceive.” ― C.W. Leadbeater Don’t you think that some people seem very susceptible to anything and everything? Even if you say something neutral or positive, they might take […]