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If you feel like you are having difficulty concentrating during the meditation, you are not alone. Like the trains visiting a train station, your thoughts keep coming up in your mind. Sometimes more than other times. I know you think I’m going to say that there’s an app for that. And most probably, there is […]
I have attended a group coaching session that was organized by one of my fellow coach friends Nicholas Selway the other day. It was eye-opening, to say the least. I was the oldest among many attendees, much younger than me. One of the young ladies said something that stayed with me since that night. She […]
“Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” Vernon Howard The other day, on the radio, I’ve heard a grocery store manager say that the most selling products in their store since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis were baking goods. Why? Because people who would never have […]
Before getting to what happened, first I want to explain what 11:11:11 mean: According to best selling author, international speaker, teacher and founder of the UniversalLifeTools.com Wisdom School, Simone Matthews, “This year, the 11 (+ 29) November (11:11) global resonance of remembering love falls (has fallen) in an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8=11).” “11:11:11 Gateway on the 11 (& […]