
Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, also referred to as Essential Oil therapy, can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind, and spirit.

According to the amazingly informative Floracopeia site; the practice of aromatherapy can be as simple as sipping a cup of tea or diffusing essential oils into the space around us.

Aromatherapy can also be as elaborate as a complex healing prescription or specific ceremonial use. The effects of aromatherapy act simultaneously on the mind, body, and spirit, offering a range of applications from the most basic skin care to enhancing a connection with the divine.

Essential oils powerfully enhance positive mental and emotional states and increase our ability to stay healthy. There are many ways to use essential oils. Such as;

Essential oil diffusers, or aromatherapy diffusers. They offer a safe and easy way to fill your home or office with essential oils. A small amount of essential oil has a big impact when diffused in the air we breathe.

Inhalation. For direct inhalation, simply open a bottle of essential oil, place it below your nose and inhale deeply. For palm inhalation, add a drop or two of your favorite skin-friendly essential oil to the palms, cup the palms around the face and inhale deeply.

Massage. Though, as pure essential oils are many times more concentrated than the whole plant, they require diluting before application to the skin using carrier oils such as; jojoba, coconut or argan. Generally in 2% to 10% ratio. 

Facial Steam. Add 1 – 5 drops of eucalyptus or rosemary essential oil to a pot of hot water. Cover head with a towel and allow steam to circulate inside the towel. This is excellent for opening sinuses and easing tension.

Baths. A generally safe dose is 5 – 10 drops of lavender or chamomile essential oils mixed with 1/2 – 1 cup of sea salt or an emulsifier like milk; honey; oils like almond, sesame, or coconut. Aromatic baths are excellent for supporting all systems of the body and creating a healthy and balanced state.

Compresses. Mix 10 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil in 4 oz. hot water. Soak a clean cloth and wrap the bruise; wound; or skin problems. Leave the compress on for 10-20 minutes. Re-apply wrap if needed.

I am a big fan of essential oils and my favorite one is lavender oil. I also like citrusy essential oils, and I prefer inhaling them through my diffuser. 

There are also essential oils like frankincense and myrrh that are famous for fighting cancerous tumors and other more complicated health problems.

Nature gives us all we need. What we should do is take good care of our body and soul, improve the strength of our immune system and be happy. Our mental state has a direct effect on our physical health. Getting a nice massage or a warm bath enhanced with essential oils, inhaling a nice fragrance, sipping a herbal tea… These are all activities that make us feel happy.

Do yourself a favor today and make yourself happy. 


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