
Life After Coronavirus Pandemic

It seems like in this Coronavirus Crisis we are all at a point where we have to make sacrifices for the wellbeing of everyone. We are feeling the weight of uncertainty and worries on our shoulders. Some of us try to stay positive, encourage positivity as much as we can, and keep fear in an arms’ length.

It is a fact that being indoors, feeling unproductive, stuck and helpless cause emotional fluctuations. People try to work from home if they can perform their job remotely. All societies are sailing in uncharted waters. Governments are trying to control the crisis to the best of their abilities. No one has experience in dealing with this big a pandemic. Transparency on the number of cases and deaths by countries is essential. But it is hard to expect the same level of transparency from every country, unfortunately.

Questions, questions…

How long will it continue like this? What will be the effects of it on society and to the economy in the short and long term? In the meantime, how will the businesses cope with paying their employees while no new business is coming in? Or how hourly workers who cannot work will feed their families as they only make a significant amount of money if they work long enough hours?

The economically stronger countries with more robust planning and strategies will handle it better. But what about the third world countries? How will they survive this? We will wait and see the answers to all these questions as soon as we get to the other side of this abnormality.

What businesses do today will affect their tomorrow

In her article titled Will Your Company Just Survive or Thrive after this Crisis?, Transformational Executive Coach, Makhosi Candiss says; The days of employees being grateful to just have a good job with benefits are over. Employee retention and satisfaction were tanking well before this event and will be the most important key to how well a company does following this event.” 

I agree with Makhosi Candiss’ statement. The companies that treat their employees with dignity, respect and compassion will come out of this stronger. The ones that stand behind their employees will win. Whereas, the ones that did not listen to or address their employees’ concerns will lose in the long run. The results of such a big event that shook everyone to the core will change the business world dramatically. And I believe all companies need to keep this in mind while making decisions in these uncertain days.

What about us?

Though there is one thing that we can all do to help ourselves. Now that most of us are at home with lots of time in our hands, we can meditate. While meditating, we can visualize ourselves, our loved ones, our community, town, city, country and the whole world becoming healthy. We can imagine that all this insanity is over, this nasty virus has disappeared, everything is back to normal. Kids playing outside, the economy bounced back and better than ever, life is good.

Even if we can all do this just once a day, for a few minutes, it would create a collectively positive vibration. It would boost our metabolism and mental health. Let us just think about the best-case scenario and imagine that we are already there. And we will.


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Wishing you calm and happiness,


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Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a certified Transformation Coach who specializes in helping mid-life women navigate through challenging transitions. I believe that women shouldn't have to go through life second guessing themselves.

My transformational coaching will make it possible for you to -

  • feel confidently calm enough to live a joyful life
  • use supportive tools to handle unexpected twists and turns
  • heal from pain in relationships and welcome new relationships 
  • be at peace when situations don’t turn out as planned 
  • go from saying “Is this really it?,” to “I can’t wait to see how good life can get.”
  • embrace change with LOVE, instead of fear