Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.

self centered love service centered hands


When we live to serve and give without expecting anything back, we raise our happiness, as well as the happiness of others.
#servingothers #helpingothers #selfcentered #servicecentered #service #love #kindness #joy #ipekw #insightcoach #iamthephoenix


How to identify the fear of success?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. Marianne Williamson I am a big fan of Marianne Williamson. She embodies spirituality, intelligence, and integrity with everything she says and does. Though another reason […]


Celebrating The Life of a Departed Soul

Losing a loved one brings a whole new perspective about life and grief. Though, could we see the departure as not an end but as a shift, as a passage to another realm?
#ipekw #insightcoach #iamthephoenix #grief #death #grieving


The Pride of a Bridge

A reflection on how my childhood story about a cross-continent bridge connects me to who I am as a coach today?
#ipekw #insightcoach #iamthephoenix #bridge #coaching #WordPrompt

vibrations colors energy abundance


We Create Our Health and Wealth Through Our Vibrations

Did you know that our vibrations work exactly like social media algorithms? What we radiate out attracts more of it. How? Just read further.



The dreamcatcher catches your bad dreams in its webbing, while, the good ones find their way back to you by floating down its feather.
#ipekw #insightcoach #iamthephoenix #dreamcatcher #smudging #nativeculture #ojibway #firstnations #chippewa #feather

binaural beats delta tetha


Binaural Beats Could Help You Focus and Create Flow

If you are looking for a quick bio-hack, you can try binaural beats and test their help with creativity, anxiety, sleep and more.

Abundance, children, money, wealth


Abundance Mindset: something important to teach our children

We can make a huge impact by teaching our children to live with an abundance mindset.
#ipekw #insightcoach #iamthephoenix #manifester #manifestation #gratitude #abundance #children #money #joy #wealth


The Secret to Trick Your Mind into Manifesting Whatever You Desire

Did you know that you guarantee to manifest anything you want by feeling grateful for having it? Wait, what? How would that work? You do not have it, yet you feel grateful for having it? Well, it does. And yes, it’s true. If you can trick your mind to feel grateful for having something that […]


Innovate with the “Yes… And…” Game

If you are interested in personal growth, self-improvement and mental fitness, you might have heard about the Positive Intelligence program by Shirzad Chamine already. You might have even taken the program, just like I have. But if you are not familiar with it, here’s a little introduction. This concept focuses on strengthening the Sage muscles of your […]

Transformation Strategist, Leadership Partner, Speaker, Author, and Meditation TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a Transformation Strategist & Leadership Partner, dedicated to guiding individuals and leaders through life’s pivotal transitions. Change can feel uncertain, but it also holds the potential for growth, clarity, and renewed purpose.

Through a strategic and mindful approach, I help you;

  • Cultivate inner confidence and resilience to navigate life’s shifts with ease
  • Develop powerful tools to manage uncertainty and unexpected challenges
  • Heal from past experiences and build meaningful, fulfilling relationships
  • Find peace in the face of change and embrace new possibilities
  • Shift from wondering “Is this all there is?” to “I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
  • Approach transformation with clarity, confidence, and self-trust