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If you feel like you are having difficulty concentrating during the meditation, you are not alone. Like the trains visiting a train station, your thoughts keep coming up in your mind. Sometimes more than other times. I know you think I’m going to say that there’s an app for that. And most probably, there is […]
It feels like we are living in a time of madness. Fear is everywhere, and desperation is the leading theme. We are feeling panic about the Coronavirus, uncertainty related to the upcoming elections in the US, worries concerning the inhumane conditions of millions of refugees around the world, and we are horrified about the unprecedented […]
“A lot of thoughts keep coming”, “I can’t stand still”, “Am I doing it right?”. Do you have such thoughts during your meditation? If you do, know that you are not alone. These are the questions we hear from almost all new meditators. We all had these concerns, and even years later they can still […]
Have you ever heard of the ancient Hawaiian healing system Ho’oponopono? It is essentially a process of letting go of toxic energies within you to allow the impact of divine thoughts, words, deeds, and actions. I have found out about this phenomenon through a newspaper article a few years ago. I was quite intrigued by it and […]