I have more than 130 meditations, with over 300k plays, on Insight Timer.
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If you feel like you are having difficulty concentrating during the meditation, you are not alone. Like the trains visiting a train station, your thoughts keep coming up in your mind. Sometimes more than other times. I know you think I’m going to say that there’s an app for that. And most probably, there is […]
The concept of stillness is an integral part of our lives. Meditation, prayer, mindfulness, reflection and alone time quiet our bodies and minds and help us ease our feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. Though, it is hard to bring ourselves to complete stillness. Because we have learned to rush, do more and do it faster. […]
I’m not sure whether or not we appreciate enough the meaning of the word “Connection.” We, human beings, need, crave, and blossom by connections. Therefore, it’s essential to have a significant number of healthy connections to live a balanced and fulfilling life. Author Brené Brown describes the word connection best in her book “The Gifts […]
“Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” Vernon Howard The other day, on the radio, I’ve heard a grocery store manager say that the most selling products in their store since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis were baking goods. Why? Because people who would never have […]
Your life partner whom you can never run away from is not your spouse, your child, your parent or your friend. It’s yourself. If this is a reality, which you and I both know it is, then why not to have a better relationship with yourself? Because, as you deepen your relationship with yourself, your […]
I don’t know if you also feel the same way, but since the novel coronavirus pandemic related social isolation started, our routines at home went out the window. The waking and sleeping hours have been turned upside down. Because we avoid going out as much as we can, we are not very active. Additionally, it’s […]