Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.


Learn simple, fun tricks to feel happier

I wrote two books (and contributed to two others!) with helpful, easy to implement content.

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODES I'VE APPEARED on TO LEARN MORE ON maNAGING change, becoming aware of your emotions and other tools for a joy-led life


As of September 22nd, the summer has ended here in the Northern hemisphere. And we have started experiencing the effects of autumn. I am not keen on using the word “fall” for this season, as it has a saddening connotation to it, even though the reason for using that word is to emphasize leaves falling […]


Flower Moon – Last Supermoon of 2020

We will be observing the last Supermoon of the year on Thursday, May 7th (today). We will have to wait almost a year until we see the next Supermoon in April 2021. The May full moon has been traditionally called the Flower Moon. Not surprising as it is the time of the year when flowers […]


Make your wishes come true today

Do you have a rose plant around your house? Indoors or outdoors, does not matter. Preferably a rose plant but if there isn’t one, it is okay too, any plant would do in my opinion, as what I will tell you now is more about what you believe in anyway. In Turkic cultures scattered all […]


First time since 1905

Even though we do not feel like spring in most parts of the northern hemisphere yet, today we are stepping into the beginning of a new season with the Spring Equinox of 2019. And as a nice coincidence, it is coming together with the “Full Worm Super Moon,” the third and final full super moon […]

transformation life Coach for women, Speaker, Author, MEDITATION TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a certified Transformation Coach who specializes in helping mid-life women navigate through challenging transitions. I believe that women shouldn't have to go through life second guessing themselves.

My transformational coaching will make it possible for you to -

  • feel confidently calm enough to live a joyful life
  • use supportive tools to handle unexpected twists and turns
  • heal from pain in relationships and welcome new relationships 
  • be at peace when situations don’t turn out as planned 
  • go from saying “Is this really it?,” to “I can’t wait to see how good life can get.”
  • embrace change with LOVE, instead of fear