I have been exploring Reiki lately, according to our good old Wikipedia, the definition of which is a; “form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which “universal energy” is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional […]
Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid – Basil King, Canadian Writer (not Goethe!) What is life without taking risks? Allowing slight shifts in your path, making big decisions such as taking a job that will trigger a change in your career, or accepting a marriage proposal even if it will mean […]
Today, I want you to imagine that goodness is coming to you. It could be people, it could be things, it could just be an emotion, it could be the breeze. Whatever it is for you, imagine good things coming to you at this moment. I want you to pull up your dreams and desires. Imagine yourself putting them […]
Before getting to what happened, first I want to explain what 11:11:11 mean: According to best selling author, international speaker, teacher and founder of the UniversalLifeTools.com Wisdom School, Simone Matthews, “This year, the 11 (+ 29) November (11:11) global resonance of remembering love falls (has fallen) in an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8=11).” “11:11:11 Gateway on the 11 (& […]