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If you feel like you are having difficulty concentrating during the meditation, you are not alone. Like the trains visiting a train station, your thoughts keep coming up in your mind. Sometimes more than other times. I know you think I’m going to say that there’s an app for that. And most probably, there is […]
“A lot of thoughts keep coming”, “I can’t stand still”, “Am I doing it right?”. Do you have such thoughts during your meditation? If you do, know that you are not alone. These are the questions we hear from almost all new meditators. We all had these concerns, and even years later they can still […]
Richard Louv’s book “Vitamin N (‘N’ is for Nature)” discusses successfully the health-oriented benefits and healing focused potential of mother nature. But I would like to elaborate on another aspect of it today, and use the “Vitamin N” title, just because I love the idea of calling nature as an essential supplement for a healthy […]
Do you, from time to time, catch yourself yelling with a frothing mouth to your colleagues or family members or the guy in the traffic? How often do you lose your temper? Why do you think you are not capable of controlling your emotions and reactions? Even if not always, but sometimes… Anger is a […]
I want to start with a bold statement: “Nothing happens on the physical plane before it happens on the spiritual plane of existence.” This means that nothing can occur to you in the physical before it is manifested first within your minds and therefore on the spiritual plane of existence. Our body is miraculous. It […]