I have more than 130 meditations, with over 300k plays, on Insight Timer.
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If you are interested in personal growth, self-improvement and mental fitness, you might have heard about the Positive Intelligence program by Shirzad Chamine already. You might have even taken the program, just like I have. But if you are not familiar with it, here’s a little introduction. This concept focuses on strengthening the Sage muscles of your […]
“Creativity comes from conscious facts planted in the unconscious and allowed to germinate.” Bertrand Russell Creativity is one of our most valued human traits. It has given human beings the ability to change the world that they live in. It also has given them the ability to adapt to changes in the world over which […]
I love having coaching conversations with people from all walks of life. And it’s always a two-way street. While guiding these amazing people towards their infinite possibilities, I also learn a lot about life and even about myself. It’s a transformational process that re-creates the person across to me – meaning on my laptop screen […]
With everything getting consumed faster last few decades, starting with fast food, we grew more and more impatient. Remember the dial-up internet connection for which you would have to wait at least a few minutes to have your browser up and running? Nobody has that patience anymore. Nobody wants to read anything more than a […]