Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.


Learn simple, fun tricks to feel happier

I wrote two books (and contributed to two others!) with helpful, easy to implement content.

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODES I'VE APPEARED on TO LEARN MORE ON maNAGING change, becoming aware of your emotions and other tools for a joy-led life


For a relationship that does not only survive but thrives, self-actualization is the area you might want to explore with your partner.



The dreamcatcher catches your bad dreams in its webbing, while, the good ones find their way back to you by floating down its feather.
#ipekw #insightcoach #iamthephoenix #dreamcatcher #smudging #nativeculture #ojibway #firstnations #chippewa #feather


The Secret to Trick Your Mind into Manifesting Whatever You Desire

Did you know that you guarantee to manifest anything you want by feeling grateful for having it? Wait, what? How would that work? You do not have it, yet you feel grateful for having it? Well, it does. And yes, it’s true. If you can trick your mind to feel grateful for having something that […]


I am an Insight Coach

The relationship with the self is the most important and crucial relationship in your life. Your career, your personal relationships, your home, and your health are all a direct result of the quality of your relationship with you. Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott, Transformational Life Coaching Since I started practicing as a life coach, I have been getting […]


Get ready! Change is coming – again

The second and last partial lunar eclipse of the year is happening on July 16–17. This partial lunar eclipse will be visible from Australia, Africa, South America, most of Europe, and Asia, but will miss North America, except for the very southern and eastern parts of the continent. According to astrology expert Donna Stellhorn; this is […]


How would you like to be remembered?

We can get so caught up in our daily hustle and craziness of today, that we forget to take the time to pause and figure out if what we are hustling on is taking us to where we want to go. If you would be able to travel into the future, into any moment you […]


I want it all and I want it now

When you want something really badly, when you crave for it, ask for it, think about it night and day, but cannot get it or cannot accomplish it, you get frustrated right? You think you did everything you could for it to materialize, but for some reason, it still did not happen. The reason for […]


Que será, será

Most of you, if not too young, must remember the song “Que será, será”, which stars like this: When I was just a little girlI asked my mother, what will I beWill I be pretty? Will I be rich?Here’s what she said to me: Que será, seráWhatever will be, will beThe future’s not ours to […]

Transformation Strategist, Leadership Partner, Speaker, Author, and Meditation TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a Transformation Strategist & Leadership Partner, dedicated to guiding individuals and leaders through life’s pivotal transitions. Change can feel uncertain, but it also holds the potential for growth, clarity, and renewed purpose.

Through a strategic and mindful approach, I help you;

  • Cultivate inner confidence and resilience to navigate life’s shifts with ease
  • Develop powerful tools to manage uncertainty and unexpected challenges
  • Heal from past experiences and build meaningful, fulfilling relationships
  • Find peace in the face of change and embrace new possibilities
  • Shift from wondering “Is this all there is?” to “I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
  • Approach transformation with clarity, confidence, and self-trust