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The lesson we are thought by the society from a very young age in our default settings tends to be; “Think about what you want, go make it happen, and be really frustrated until it occurs.” Which promotes suffering in every step of it, until we eventually get it. Mindfulness approaches this kind of beliefs […]
In her web site Mind of A Winner, Eva Lu, who believes that success is a skill developed by persistent people, describes Subliminal Messages as; “audio and/or visual messages that we are not consciously aware of and we can’t become aware of, even if we try”. When translated, the word Subliminal, which is made of […]
Before getting to what happened, first I want to explain what 11:11:11 mean: According to best selling author, international speaker, teacher and founder of the UniversalLifeTools.com Wisdom School, Simone Matthews, “This year, the 11 (+ 29) November (11:11) global resonance of remembering love falls (has fallen) in an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8=11).” “11:11:11 Gateway on the 11 (& […]