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According to my astrologic map, I am doing fine in terms of water, earth and air elements but a little low in the fire compartment. Therefore; my friend who reviewed my map suggested me to light a candle, every night if possible, to make up for the missing fire element. So, I have been doing […]
This is my latest area of interest; cleansing my body and my environment from negative energy. And the best way of doing this is by fumigating your space with the help of a sage smudge stick. Burning sage, which is also known as smudging, is a spiritual ceremony that is being practiced since ages by […]
Hopefully, you are healthy, both mentally and physically at the moment, but when or if you lose your health you realize how small and meaningless other stuff that you have been making a big fuss about. Hopefully, you have a good job which makes you able to provide for yourself and your family, but when […]