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Would you ever willingly harm yourself, your property, your relationship, or your success? You certainly wouldn’t. And if you somehow do, you’d never think it was intentional. You would say, just an accident or a mistake. Well, what if other things are lying underneath the surface? What if behind every failure there is an underlying […]
Your life partner whom you can never run away from is not your spouse, your child, your parent or your friend. It’s yourself. If this is a reality, which you and I both know it is, then why not to have a better relationship with yourself? Because, as you deepen your relationship with yourself, your […]
Who knows you better than yourself? Nobody. Who are you the most honest with? Yourself. Who keeps all your secrets? You. Then who is your best friend and confidente? Again, you. That’s why you are too important for you to ignore or neglect. Your mental and physical health has utmost significance in terms of the […]
A fair and honest question came from my husband about this “loving yourself” subject. He said; “You keep mentioning how important to love and accept oneself, but what really is self-love?” Actually, self-love could be defined as the belief you hold that you are a valuable and worthy person. An example of it is when you […]