Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.


Today I would like to focus on a subject that is not very uplifting, unfortunately, but it is a reality and part of everyone’s lives as we all know at least one person in our family or friends who are dealing with this nasty problem. Yes, you guessed it right; Cancer. As a person who […]


Self-Respect or Social Approval?

Do you make your choices and decisions according to your own feelings, instincts, beliefs and thoughts or others’? If others’, such as your spouse, your family, your co-workers, your boss, or your friends, how can you be happy? Who is your master? Yourself! And no one else could decide for you. You can include your […]


People need people

My classmates from the all-girls high school that I have attended as a teenager, are going to celebrate our 50th birthday next weekend, as almost all of us are turning 50 this year. They are getting together for a sleepover at a nice and cozy little hotel. I would love to be there with them, […]


The Power of Touch

Cuddle Comfort, Cuddlery, The Snuggle Buddies… You might wonder what these names are for. They are all mostly online companies, in the US and Canada. There are lots and lots of them in many cities, especially bigger cities in North America. So, what do they do? You can guess looking at their names that they […]


Happy Family Day!

Since the year 2008, the third Monday of the month of February has been celebrated as “Family Day” in most of the Canadian provinces and territories. I am quite fond of this holiday, as it shines a light on and reminds us of the concept of family. In my opinion, and I believe most of […]


You have everything you need

While meditating, we close our eyes, part of that is the act of temporarily giving up sight, we give up the pleasure of consuming our cell phones, TVs, computer screens. And sometimes as a product of meditation when we open our eyes at the end, we can have a renewed sense of gratitude for our […]


Life itself!

The year of 2018 has been a trying one, to say the least, for both my amazing husband and myself. We both had difficulties in our careers, we both lost our jobs months apart. Some days and especially nights were tough for both of us. Even though it was quite hard at times, we both […]

transformation life Coach for women, Speaker, Author, MEDITATION TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a certified Transformation Coach who specializes in helping mid-life women navigate through challenging transitions. I believe that women shouldn't have to go through life second guessing themselves.

My transformational coaching will make it possible for you to -

  • feel confidently calm enough to live a joyful life
  • use supportive tools to handle unexpected twists and turns
  • heal from pain in relationships and welcome new relationships 
  • be at peace when situations don’t turn out as planned 
  • go from saying “Is this really it?,” to “I can’t wait to see how good life can get.”
  • embrace change with LOVE, instead of fear