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“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla The world of manifestation is filled with different techniques to help people align their thoughts with their desires, but one of the most intriguing is Nikola Tesla‘s 369 Manifestation Method. Tesla, known for his […]
Special days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day always makes me feel sad a little. I am grateful for having my favourite people healthy and alive to celebrate those days but what about others? I can’t stop but thinking about people who lost their mom or dad. Moms and dads who suffered the excruciating […]
We all experience small miracles in our lives, don’t we? Something wonderful that we want very much manifests all of a sudden. Bringing joy and stupefaction with it, while we cannot believe it actually happened. I am quite a passionate person. In the past, when I wanted something, it would become my main focus day […]
Before getting to what happened, first I want to explain what 11:11:11 mean: According to best selling author, international speaker, teacher and founder of the UniversalLifeTools.com Wisdom School, Simone Matthews, “This year, the 11 (+ 29) November (11:11) global resonance of remembering love falls (has fallen) in an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8=11).” “11:11:11 Gateway on the 11 (& […]