Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.


For children and young people, the extent of their potential to be successful has been explained according to their intellectual intelligence (IQ) level for many decades. People with a high IQ level were believed to have high learning, decision making and application skills. Then, in the mid-1990s, we started to believe that people with high […]


Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Success

Some people are very approachable, cool, kind and supportive, whereas others are not so much. Why is that? Is it because the ones who are good at communicating positively and motivating others have a higher Emotional Intelligence (EI) level? If yes, then what is EI exactly? EI involves the ability to understand and manage emotions. […]


Your posture represents who you are…

I must admit that I am not happy with the way I carry my body. I do not have the greatest posture and I want to change it for the better. Because I think, a better posture does not only make me look a more self-confident and strong person, but it also is very important […]


Where does my happiness come from?

I have been writing these short blog posts since the beginning of December and, even though my husband says every time he reads them, he feels like I am making a point about him or for him – my silly husband babe… In reality, I am reaching out to myself, reminding myself the things that […]


When one door closes…

2018 came and bulldozed our lives one way or the other, according to what I have heard from countless people. How a draining and challenging year it was… Which is in line with what I have experienced too. I believe a few years later when we look back at 2018 and analyze it from a […]


Meditation could change your life

I have posted an article on LinkedIn about the benefits of meditation earlier this year, and I wanted to bring it up here on my blog too, as, in my opinion, it is extremely important. So, I am going to talk about it and kind of rephrase what I have said in that article once […]

transformation life Coach for women, Speaker, Author, MEDITATION TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a certified Transformation Coach who specializes in helping mid-life women navigate through challenging transitions. I believe that women shouldn't have to go through life second guessing themselves.

My transformational coaching will make it possible for you to -

  • feel confidently calm enough to live a joyful life
  • use supportive tools to handle unexpected twists and turns
  • heal from pain in relationships and welcome new relationships 
  • be at peace when situations don’t turn out as planned 
  • go from saying “Is this really it?,” to “I can’t wait to see how good life can get.”
  • embrace change with LOVE, instead of fear