Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.


“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kindness that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself […]


It is “You”, not “Them” – and you can fix it

Have you ever heard of the ancient Hawaiian healing system Ho’oponopono? It is essentially a process of letting go of toxic energies within you to allow the impact of divine thoughts, words, deeds, and actions. I have found out about this phenomenon through a newspaper article a few years ago. I was quite intrigued by it and […]


A Couple of Positivity Rituals for Tonight on Winter Solstice

As you know, December 21st marks the shortest day and longest night of the year – also known as; winter solstice. This year the solstice coming in a state fortified by a full moon occurring less than 24 hours after the solstice, and a meteor shower the following day right after the full moon. The […]


You are capable of changing your life

I know… Change is hard for everyone. We all like to feel safe, which prevents us from going after our dreams. I want to do this but it will be hard, it will require so much work, it will disturb my life, it will shift my comfort zone. It will affect my relationships with people […]


Breathe, just breathe…

As you might have figured it out considering the themes of my previous posts, I like writing about wellness and what to do to get more of it for ourselves. There are so many easy ways to get a little bit more piece of mind, but, I would think, the easiest one of them is taking […]


Give Yourself more Love in the New Year

I am not going to suggest that you need to have a New Year’s resolution, my friends. If you want to have one or more, that would be perfectly fine as long as you stick to it. I will ask you a question though; What do you want to make better in your life this […]


Stop worrying, please

In most cultures, people are thought to worry about everything. It is something passed along from generation to generation and it is like a part of our being. Not that our ancestors wanted us to worry, they were the ones worrying about things, and following generations just learned it from them and followed their habit […]


Mindfulness: Being in the moment

If you would close your eyes, would you be able to make a list of ten objects that are in the room? How was the last meal you had? Did you just eat or really enjoyed it? Could you notice the taste, texture, and temperature of the food, or did you just swallow it without […]


Let the “Physical Detox Games” begin!!!

For the ones who are not a big fan of smoothies and juices, this might not sound very interesting, but these are definitely very good for your body. For cleansing it from toxins. I always think I should not be prejudicial about anything, I should try and see if I like it or not. Sometimes […]


Anxiety recedes with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

It feels like anxiety became a solid part of our lives, with the amount of stress we all experience every day at home, at work, at school, in traffic, during Christmas shopping at the crowded mall. It might get unbearable sometimes and dealing with it is not the easiest either, as anxiety is a stubborn […]

transformation life Coach for women, Speaker, Author, MEDITATION TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a certified Transformation Coach who specializes in helping mid-life women navigate through challenging transitions. I believe that women shouldn't have to go through life second guessing themselves.

My transformational coaching will make it possible for you to -

  • feel confidently calm enough to live a joyful life
  • use supportive tools to handle unexpected twists and turns
  • heal from pain in relationships and welcome new relationships 
  • be at peace when situations don’t turn out as planned 
  • go from saying “Is this really it?,” to “I can’t wait to see how good life can get.”
  • embrace change with LOVE, instead of fear