Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.


There are so many negative words floating around us. “Hate” is one of them. My close friends and family members know very well that I am allergic to that word. I do not use it and I do not like people around me using it. Most people use and overuse some words without even thinking. […]


No Regrets

I would think at some point anyone could regret something that they did or said, start thinking about “what if” scenarios and feel the guilt that’s attached to it. It is kind of impossible to be a human being and not to remember something that you did in the past which you regret at the […]


Don’t let fear and worry rule your life

Sometimes fear and worries about life, future, economy, global warming, government, money, job security pull us so deep that we might experience difficulty functioning normally. I have a question for you: if you knew that everything would be fine and well at the end, would you still worry that much? Life consists of ups and […]


Tips to reset your mental attitude

Do you feel like it is hard to get up and get going some days? Do you feel the anxiety or sadness creep in? Do you find hard to find things to be happy about? All of us do from time to time. But if we keep a few tips and tricks up our sleeve, […]


Ends and New Beginnings

Throughout our lives, we experience many ends and new beginnings don’t we? End of education, and beginning of work-life; end of being single, and stepping into the married life; end of a commitment and beginning of new responsibilities. As soon as you have a baby, you can never go back to when you did not […]


Why should you have crystals around you?

Holding crystals or placing them on your body is thought to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Crystals supposedly do this by positively interacting with your body’s energy field or chakra. In the last few years, crystals have become a staple at fashion shows, popped up on Instagram feeds, and lined the shelves of trendy retail […]


Gratitude Leads to a Happier Life

What gives you happiness in life? The laughter of a child, the unconditional love of a pet, a warm hug from your mom or a wonderful kiss from your lover? The beauty of the nature around you, especially when all the flowers are blooming or a random act of kindness you witness, the first sip […]


Burning Sage to Cleanse Your Space

This is my latest area of interest; cleansing my body and my environment from negative energy. And the best way of doing this is by fumigating your space with the help of a sage smudge stick. Burning sage, which is also known as smudging, is a spiritual ceremony that is being practiced since ages by […]


Cultures and their Colours

A survey from the UK about colour and its emotional impact asked 26,000 respondents “to associate specific emotions with specific colours.” They discovered that green is the colour most people associate with the future, purple and orange were tied to luxury and, unsurprisingly, red is aligned with feelings of passion. As for the most relaxing […]


Serious Health Benefits of Meditation

You might have heard the word “Neuroplasticity”. But do you wonder what it means? I am taking this online meditation course, not to become a meditation expert or anything, but to become a more knowledgeable meditator myself. And I have learned that neuroplasticity is the concept of the lifelong ability of the brain to change. […]

transformation life Coach for women, Speaker, Author, MEDITATION TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a certified Transformation Coach who specializes in helping mid-life women navigate through challenging transitions. I believe that women shouldn't have to go through life second guessing themselves.

My transformational coaching will make it possible for you to -

  • feel confidently calm enough to live a joyful life
  • use supportive tools to handle unexpected twists and turns
  • heal from pain in relationships and welcome new relationships 
  • be at peace when situations don’t turn out as planned 
  • go from saying “Is this really it?,” to “I can’t wait to see how good life can get.”
  • embrace change with LOVE, instead of fear