Ipek Williamson


Check out my expert advice on navigating life's transitions with courage.


The name Braco came to my attention through one of Ann Albers‘ videos. Ann’s opinion as an amazing Angel Communicator, Author, and Spiritual Instructor is important to me. She spoke very highly of Braco, about his extraordinary gaze that reaches and touches one’s soul. Also, she shared her personal experience from one of Braco’s “Power […]


Love is all we need

A couple of statements that Dan Brown makes about love in his book “Origin” got my attention while I was reading it recently. He says; “Love is from another realm. We cannot manufacture it on demand. Nor can we subdue it when it appears. Love is not our choice to make.” He also says; “Love […]


What is your favourite Hygge moment?

My son Ali reminded me the other day about this concept that I have heard about but never had a chance to write on. It is called Hygge, pronounced in Danish as Hue-Gah. As a person who loves to get warm, comfy and cozy, this whole hygee phenomenon is a perfect match for me. Read […]


Happy V Day

Special days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day always makes me feel sad a little. I am grateful for having my favourite people healthy and alive to celebrate those days but what about others? I can’t stop but thinking about people who lost their mom or dad. Moms and dads who suffered the excruciating […]


Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow

Listening to Joaquin Phoenix’s speech at the Oscars brought tears to my eyes. Those were tears of happiness and hope. In 3 minutes and 33 seconds, he incredibly summarized what is going wrong in the world. He told us what humanity needs, and how to get there. Very moving, very touching, very emotional. It has […]


Year of the Metal Rat will bring Prosperity

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year (also known as Spring Festival) celebrations. For the year 2020, the main zodiac element is Metal, and the animal sign is Rat, therefore, 2020 will be the Year of the Metal Rat. According to the Chinese Astrology connaisseurs; Metal Rat Year is going to be a […]


Selfish, Selfless or Selfful?

The belief that unhappiness is selfless and happiness is selfish is misguided. It’s more selfless to act happy. It takes energy, generosity, and discipline to be unfailingly lighthearted, yet everyone takes the happy person for granted. ― Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project What does the word selfish mean to you? It’s not a positive word, right? […]


Happy New Decade!

2019 is over, and a brand-new decade is ready to begin with the year of 2020. Even the way the word 2020 (twenty-twenty) twirls in one’s mouth is better than in 2019. I already love the year of 2020. Last year around this time, I emphasized the words “Transition & Transformation” in my welcoming blog […]


The Big 5-OH

Today I am turning 50. No joke, literally half a century. No wonder there are lots of things I have difficulty remembering. Well, most probably because some of them happened decades ago, laughing out loud. Throughout the years of my humble life on this beautiful earth, I am quite happy with my accomplishments, most important […]


Remove the word “hate” from your vocabulary

There are so many negative words floating around us. “Hate” is one of them. My close friends and family members know very well that I am allergic to that word. I do not use it and I do not like people around me using it. Most people use and overuse some words without even thinking. […]

Transformation Strategist, Leadership Partner, Speaker, Author, and Meditation TEACHER

Hi! I'm Ipek Williamson

I’m a Transformation Strategist & Leadership Partner, dedicated to guiding individuals and leaders through life’s pivotal transitions. Change can feel uncertain, but it also holds the potential for growth, clarity, and renewed purpose.

Through a strategic and mindful approach, I help you;

  • Cultivate inner confidence and resilience to navigate life’s shifts with ease
  • Develop powerful tools to manage uncertainty and unexpected challenges
  • Heal from past experiences and build meaningful, fulfilling relationships
  • Find peace in the face of change and embrace new possibilities
  • Shift from wondering “Is this all there is?” to “I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
  • Approach transformation with clarity, confidence, and self-trust